Goal: Find the password and log into level 10. The password is in the data.txt file and is the only human readable code preceded by multiple ’=’

If we try to cat data.txt we will see that the the file is mainly non-human readable text. What we can do is feed this all into grep to search through it for us. We will use the the -a flag to process a binary file as if it were text otherwise it will try to interpret the binary.

bandit9@bandit:~$ cat data.txt | grep -a '==='
Q#�g��m1x��}========== the�Ѧ+��i�d�W��^�)F1��>)٘S�K�3�PZ���t�&xs肉WB/�2��ÜB��	�Ź/�Bjɢ��␦���<���э�7��<������u�/��d|
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   ]󈍅(�.�ۍg�:7���n�������n�p��������� �������CD�`v�oS�Q�-<␦]�`�@�#H Uum����BiA��j堵��!O�&�����D9========== [REDACTED]

We can see at the end of the file we can see our password (represented as [REDACTED]) for level 10. Now we have our password for level 10 and we sign into the next level!